Hi Grade (hk) Limited

Website: www.higrade-hk.com
Telephone: 26061106
Fax: 26948254
Contact: Mr. Manfred Leung
Address: 49-51 Au Pui Wan St., Harry Industrial Building., 5/Fl., Blk 2, Fotan, Hong Kong
Map: View large map
HKWebDir No.LKA0002630-5192
Hi Grade (hk) is one of the top soldering flux manufacturers in the world. Hi Grade carries out its role as R & D , research and developing new kind of various fluxes to electronic businesses of assembling and printed circuit board making.
Our agents are world widely spread.
The product catalogue is in the link, it has so many types which can not be displayed completely.
Please telephone (852) 26061106 for details. The quality of our products is self implied as its name 'Hi Grade'. Reputable appreciation has resulted from famous users all over the world.

The sales of the products are through its agents. Excelsior Exporter is an authorized agent of Hi Grade in China since 1980 for handling all the marketing, technical assistance and after sales service to customers.

The solder products are produced by our affiliated comany from Taiwan. All her equipments and technical are satisfactory to all the strict requirement of Hi Grade and have been fulfilling to those quality stipulation laid out by Hi Grade (hk) limited.

Excelsior Exporter is situated at Shenzhen, The factory area is around 5000 sq metre; goods are stored sufficiently for 3 months consumption as on our statistics.
Our usual storing capacity is one 40 ft container towed from Hong Kong daily. For any urgent case, we can mobilize logistically any of our products from vicinity countries such as Taiwan Hi Grade or Singapore Hi Grade to the door of our customers in Shenzhen within 7 days.
Our factory in Shenzhen is equipped with automated fire extinguish system and is guarded 24 hours by our watchmen.
All the goods are manufactured by our satellite companies in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, but after the arrival of goods, our technical persons will sampling the products for quality assurance so as to avoid discrepancy during transition.

Since Excelsior Exporter are all well trained so that we can provide technical service to our customers. Her men are experienced. When a customer call for help, our technicians must be documentary and discussed the cases and report to the company, so that we can offer better help to those who is needed. For some hard case, we can discuss the case internationally with our Hi Grade colleague on the internet for solving the problem.
Secondly, we can provide free Solder Chemical Analysis periodically to our customers, it is a valuable mean provided by our company for customers who can monitor their quality as a good guidance in production.

As the flow of many of our new fluxes, Hi Grade has many new products that some of the experienced users may not be familiar , We are delighted to introduce our past experience to you. Our experience is valuable it can save our customer a lot of money as for comparation to those who spent previously . We welcome all the enquiry and our men will be your place for assistance.

A hot line is set up for Lead Free Soldering Technical advice, Selection of Lead Free Solder, Selection of Lead Free Flux, Solder Dross inhibiting, Solder Dross recycling, Copper Dissolution, Solder Pot dissolution and Soldering Machinery maintenance.

Flux, Voc Free flux, Cleaner, PCB cleaner, Case cleaner, Reflow Flux, Solder Resist remover, Mold Bleed, Ic coating flux, Micro etch, PCB Protector, Lead Free Flux, Dross inhibitor, Wave oil and etc.

Hong Kong Complaint : (852) 26073919
Email: higrade@higrade-hk.com
Web: http://www.higrade-hk.com

No Clean Solder Paste

The 4th generation solder paste with merits:

* Longer tack time

* fine balls with regular

* Non Hygroscopic

* High Resistance

* No Clean

* No spitting of Solder Balls

* No Halide

* Easy Spreading

* No stretching over circuit

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